This platform of products, services and technologies of science and innovation in Cuba is an initiative of FAO, MINCEX and University of Havana Cuba that strengthens South-South cooperation as one of the fundamental pillars of international cooperation and expresses the Cuba's willingness to collaborate with other countries, as an important contribution to collective efforts for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

It is part of the “Hand in hand” initiative, promoted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, to accelerate agricultural transformation and sustainable rural development in order to eradicate poverty and end poverty. hunger and all forms of malnutrition, in contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.

The platform offers the best products, services, technologies, good practices and experiences developed by different Cuban institutions, which have shown positive, replicable and scalable results to contribute to Food Security and a sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture.

Participating institutions


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Research centers

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This site is managed by @, which manages the Catalog in interaction with the rest of the institutions.
San Lázaro and L. Plaza of Revolution, Havana, Cuba